Portal Home > Knowledgebase > E-Mail > Import Addres/Forwarder > Add email address using spreadsheet or CSV file

Add email address using spreadsheet or CSV file

  1. Step 1, choose whether you want to import email account or forwarder.
  2. Step 2, click Choose File to select file you wish to upload.
  3. Step 3, use separator that you already use in your file.

    If you use the separator which not in the list, select Other, and decide the separator in right side text box.

  4. Click Treat First Row as Column Headers if you already put headers at the first row in your file.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Use pull-down menu for the next page to determine the properties from every separated value.
    • Example: You choose to use comma to the account, password, and domain.  Set the account for email, password for password, and domain for domain using pull-down menu above to decide each value.
    • You can select Ignore for unnecessary column form.
  7. From pull-down menu, choose domain you wish to be used in this account
  8. Click Next
  9. Re-review the information that you already filled and click Finish.

You can click Import More to back to the previous page and import more addresses.

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