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Configure SpamAssassin

When you click Configure SpamAssassin, you can add more email address which should be filtered automatically by typing address to the blacklist_from box.  You can create whitelist using similar way in bottom page section.  This will also decide SpamAssassin score which should be applied in each testing.

Set Required Spam Score

SpamAssassin check each email for spam characteristic, and set the whole score.  Input needed value for email which considered as spam.

The 5.0 is default score which fit for single user, but the ISP must set the default to be more conservative (8.0 or 10.0)

Add Address to Blacklist

Input undesirable email address that always escapes from spam filter.

You may use wildcard (*) for some characters, or wildcard (?) for single character

Default setting will display 5 text boxes, allow you to input 5 addresses.  To add more than 5 addresses:

  1. Fill the first 5 text boxes.
  2. Click Save.

When you back to the previous page, there will be more text boxes.

Set Individual Test Scores

You can adjust your SpamAssassin correctly by giving score to individual test.

For more information, you can read the documentation of SpamAssassin http://spamassassin.apache.org/tests.html.  You need to know the version of SpamAssassin that run in your computer.  To check SpamAssassin version, run this following code:

# perl –Mmail::SpamAssassin –e ‘print $Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION.”\n”;’

You can input individual test scores with following format:

  • “score” “TEST_NAME” “1 to 4 positive or negative numbers”

As sample, you can input the score below:

  • Score INVALID_DATE 3.2 3.3 2.5 2.1

The example above set the SpamAssassin score which is giving a message with invalid date on its header.


In the example above, 3.2 is the first score, 3.3 is the second score, 2.5 is the third score, and 2.1 is the fourth score.  If you input the number similar with the example, the score depends on the Bayes and network test, whether it is activated or not to your SpamAssassin installation.

  • The first score will be used when both Bayes and network test are disabled.
  • The second score will be used when Bayes is disabled, but network test enabled.
  • The third score will be used when Bayes is enabled and network test disabled.
  • The fourth score will be used when both Bayes and network test are enabled.

-          Adding Address to Whitelist

Input your email address which often blocked by spam filter, add the email address you wish to received.

You may use wildcard (*) for some characters, or wildcard (?) for single character.

Default setting will display 5 text boxes, allow you to input 5 addresses.  To add more than 5 addresses:

  1. Fill the first 5 text boxes.
  2. Click Save.

When you back to the previous page, there will be more text boxes.


  • Click Save to save configuration change.
  • Address from Whitelist will automatically pass through filter.
  • Address from Blacklist will automatically filtered by SpamAssassin.
  • Detail information about SpamAssassin configuration can be found at http://spamassassin.apache.org/

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