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How do I able to filter spam?

CPanel equipped with 2 applications which will prevent spam:

  1. BoxTrapper – BoxTrapper works through “challenge-response” verification.  When an email sent to the account that makes Boxtrapper possible to work, a verification email will be sent automatically for respond.  At this point, the sender should respond to the verification email with the result that the email address will be whitelisted and able to send email to your email account.
  2. SpamAssassin – SpamAssassin is an email utility which tries to filters spam by checking incoming email and do testing for spam characteristics.  Testing will result scores.  If the incoming message reach or exceed the settled score, the message will be wasted.

Your hosting service provider may disable 1 or 2 of this email utility.  If you can’t find BoxTrapper or SpamAssassin in your cPanel interface, contact the operator for the information about email spam filtering.

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