Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Files > Account FTP > Account FTP
FTP is the abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol, a method to manage file related to your website. The cPanel equipped with pre-configured FTP server and it’s easy to use. If you are the website’s owner, your FTP access should be configured before. You can login through FTP by cPanel username and password. You can also make FTP account for other users. You have to make account user first, then, the user can login to your website through FTP client such as FileZilla or Cyberduck.
Note: If user intend to login to FTP by FTP client, the user should use this format of account name: username@example.com, which the example.com is the name of your domain. Login in this way is to be done in order to make your server is possible to have some FTP accounts at several websites.
When using FTP, we suggest to use encryption scheme such as FTPS, FTPES, or SFTP (Only the owner of cPanel main account that can make use of SFTP.)
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