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File Manager

File Manager is built-in cPanel web application to manage and manipulate your website files from personal computer.  Most users feel comfortable by using this File Manager.  cPanel provides several  methods to manipulate files with File Manager.  The main interface is File Manager toolbar as seen below.

File Manager Toolbar

  • “New File” button create new file with specified extension from the user.
  • “New Folder” button create new folder which used for save files.
  • “Copy” button to copy the chosen file to the specified directory.
  • “Move File” button let you to move files to new directory.
  • “Upload” button allow new files to be uploaded to the specified directory.
  • “Download” button for downloading chosen file to your computer.
  • “Delete” button to delete selected files from server.
  • “Rename” button to rename file’s name that you desired to change.
  • “Edit” button to open editor to modify text file or HTML.
  • “Code Editor” button to open code editor to modify HHTML or PHP files.
  • “HTML Editor” button specifically for opens to modify HTML file.
  • “Change Permission” button allow you to change file permission (read/write).
  • “View” button to open file.
  • “Extract” button will decompress and extract compressed file to the specified directory.
  • “Compress” button will compress selected files become archive *.zip, *.gz, *.bz2, or *.tar and save it to specified directory.

Note: some functions of File Manager is designed only to be used by 1 file in single time.  Every action of rename, edit, or view several files all at once will occur only to single file which attached first in the directory.


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