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Create Password to Web Disk Directory.

Note : if you choose to protect web disk directory, you have to make users to access the directory.

To create web Disk directory password:

1. Click Password Protect link which is proper to Web Disk account that you want to protect.

Note: this feature will affect Web Disk account directory which already configured to access.

2. Make sure that “Password Protect” Check box is already ticked.

3. Input name for protected directory in “Name the protected directory” box.

4. Click Save.

Put user to access protected Web Disk directory (protected by password)

1. Input desired username to “Username” box.

2. Input desired password to “Password” box.

3. You may use Password Generator to generate safe password.

4. Confirm password to “Password (Again)” box.

5. Click Add/Modify Authorized User.

This will let user to access protected directory using selected username and password.

Delete Authorized User

To delete authorized user:

  1. Select username which wish to be removed from text field under Authorized User.
  2. Click Delete User.


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