Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Databases > MySQL Database Wizard > MySQL Database Wizard
cPanel will guide you step by step in management process of MySQL database, needed account and privileges.
To make database using MySQL Database Wizard:
- Input the name of database in New Database column.
- Click Next Step.
- Input permitted username to manage database in Username column.
- Type user password in Password column.
- Password length can’t be more than 7 characters.
- To get safe password, click Generate Password button.
- Retype password in Password (Again) column.
- Click Create User.
- Select the privilegess you wish to give it to user, or you can select ALL PRIVILEGESS.
- Click Next Step.
Next, cPanel will show a message, which explain that database and user account is successfully made. From here, you can choose 1 form 3 choices:
- Add another database – Start MySQL Database Wizard all over again.
- Add another user using the MySQL Databases Area – open MySQL Database page, and you can make more user account and giving permission to manage database.
- Return to Home – back to cPanel home screen.
Note: when you make user and database by using MySQL Database Wizard, user will automatically have the privileges to access the database and don’t need to use Add User to Database feature.
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