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Review Queue

By using CPanel interface, you can see BoxTrapper mail is waiting for verification.  This will fix the time when receiving email since you can see and approve the message manually.  You can figure out email in queue using these tools:

  • Keyword Search: searching process can be filtered by using drop-down box and decide the sender, subject, or body, before you input the keyword.  Select 1 from 3 search filter will cause the searching process is only half of its function from each email keyword, it will shorten the period of searching process.
  • Viewing by Date: email queue shows today’s message by default.  You can see different dates by clicking dates the day before or the day after, which will displayed in queue message list.

BoxTrapper also allow you to convey or delete the mails from queue display:

  1. Click on the box at the selected day to receive all messages at that day.
  2. Click Delete or Whitelist & Deliver.
  3. Click Submit button.

To see message’s content:

  1. Click email’s sender, subject, or date.  CPanel will display whole content of the message, including header, and provide several transfers such as; you can ignore, or blacklist the sender.
  2. Select desired selection.
  3. Click Go.

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