Portal Home > Knowledgebase > E-Mail > Email Accounts > Add Email Address
How to add new email address:
- Type desired email address in Email column.
- If you want to manage more than one domain (several domain), make sure that you chose proper domain from pull-down menu.
- Type password in Password column.
- Type password once more in Password (Again) column.
- You can click Password Generator link to get good password. For more information, read the documentation about Password Generator.
- Fill the quota in Quota Mailbox column.
- Quota defines how much harddisk space to be allocated for this account.
- Because of mail server disturbance, the quota can’t be more than 2048 MB, you should change to unlimited if it is more than 2048 MB.
- Click Create Account.
Available address will be shown on the chart. With this chart, you are allowed to:
- To find out how much space in the harddisk used by this account.
- Change password.
- Change the limit of the quota.
- Delete email address.
- Access account through webmail.
- Configures mail client.
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