Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Databases > MySQL® Databases
Create Database
To create database:
Type database name in New Database box.
Click Create Database.
Click Go...
Create Database User
After creating database you need to add user and access privileges in order to make the database...
Database Chart
This chart consists of existing database list in your server. Each database shows:...
Database MySQL
Database offers easy method to manage several major information through web. This...
Database Repair
If you find any errors while checking database, you need to fix it.
To repair database:
Database Search
To search existing database:
Type the criteria in Search box.
Click Go
The charts will the...
Delete Database
To delete database from server:
Find the row related to your database which wishes to be...
Delete MySQL User
To delete MySQL user account:
Click “X” icon at Current Users chart.
If you sure...
Set User’s Privileges
Privileges decide how the user interact with database. In example, it will be decided...